Thursday, July 1, 2010

Yesterday and Today

Yesterday: Woke up, went to lab after breakfast, day dragged on, played spades, waited for scores and room notifications, called AP another 100 times, and left work, ate dinner, played Guitar Hero, and went to see Beauty and the Beast at the Muny. It was so cool to see in an outdoor theater, and the whole show was just adorable (and cheesy, like Cheese-ology). I got home, no scores or room assignment, and went to sleep.

Today I woke up and got my AP scores. I always have a heart attack during the phone's robotic slow talking suspensefulness.
AP Art history 5
AP Lit 5
AP Macroecon 4
AP Gov 5
AP Physics C mechanics 4

There it is.

I am not posting where I am going to live. That's dangerous, but it is a modern double. : ) In a good location. In Brookings Residential college.

I went to a seminar on career options with a cool prof. Then I went to lab. I wrote my own protocol down. It was cool. I did that protocol, and then I went to a lab lunch to celebrate Hao passing her quals in order to stay in grad school. We went to Chuy's and had a delicious meal, played scientific abstract mad libs, and I had amazing vanilla ice cream afterward. Then I went back to lab, met the lab tech (finally), and then did some more runs of my protocol. I had dinner, gen. chem prep class, and then I came back to blog... Good day! Ate way too much, but it was delicious. Peace and love!
Brookings Baby

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