Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Today I woke up, had a parfait, and called the AP number 100 times throughout the past 3 days. Seriously. Give me my AP scores! Then I went to a seminar on plant evolutionary biology at 8:30 AM. I kept nodding off even though I was taking copious notes in tiny handwriting. Then I went to lab. I had to kill my stem cells because my bench mentor made me reuse a flask so he could use the last 2 ones that were ready for his stem cells because those are more important than mine. I was so sad to see the bleach turn my cell media from pinkish orange to dark purple and then to clear... So much work for nothing and no more work for me to do now! : (

I went to a grand opening of a fancy macaroni and cheese place called Cheese-ology on the Loop. I had Santa Fe style, with Mexican cheeses, chicken, corn, and black beans. It was spicy and delicious and a perfect size, but slightly overpriced, like any novelty store. Also, I had Fitz's root beer there (it was my first time trying it). I liked that too. Cool glass bottles (again, overpriced). Then I went back to lab, did some immunohistochemistry, and talked to my PI, Dr. S-E. She is nice. Then I went to the bookstore after lab, bought some gum (an embarrassingly large amount, and bought a shirt at Bear Necessities at my mom's urging. It is cute, so I walked the few feet back to Beaumont and put in on along with some shorts. I then had dinner in the fun room (make your own salad rocks!) and played the drums in Guitar Hero for the 1st time. I usually sing, but I did pretty well on easy levels. I am back here now. Having fun. Cheese-whiz!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Everything I Touch Turns to Poop

Everything I touched today turned into a snafu. I woke up with some lovely zits... must have touched my face over night. Then I registered for classes. I realized my schedule is nuts... and I am taking the minimum amount for a BME (16 units). There she is!

FL2010 - Schedule Grid
9:00AML24 Math 233 01
L24 Math 233 01
L24 Math 233 01
L24 Math 233 01
9:30AML24 Math 233 01
L24 Math 233 01
L24 Math 233 01
L24 Math 233 01
11:00AML07 Chem 111A 02
L07 Chem 111A 02
L07 Chem 111A 02
11:30AML07 Chem 111A 02
L07 Chem 111A 02
L07 Chem 111A Q
L07 Chem 111A 02
12:00PML07 Chem 151 01
L07 Chem 111A Q
12:30PML07 Chem 151 01
L07 Chem 111A Q
1:00PML31 Physics 197 02
L31 Physics 197 D
L31 Physics 197 02
L07 Chem 151 E
L31 Physics 197 02
1:30PML31 Physics 197 02
L31 Physics 197 D
L31 Physics 197 02
L07 Chem 151 E
L31 Physics 197 02
2:00PM L31 Physics 197 D
L07 Chem 151 E
2:30PME62 BME 140 01
L31 Physics 197 D
E62 BME 140 01
L07 Chem 151 E
3:00PME62 BME 140 01
L31 Physics 197 D
E62 BME 140 01
L07 Chem 151 E
3:30PME62 BME 140 01
E62 BME 140 01
L07 Chem 151 E
4:00PM L07 Chem 151 E
4:30PM L07 Chem 151 E

Notice it is entirely math and science. Then I went to my lab and struggled. And felt like I had taken a giant leap backward. Yay! : (
Then I had a chem quiz and bombed. : ) No grades though. Now I will remember how to do everything for when I actually take general chem in fall. Then I went on a 5 minute jog... The South 40 is all fenced off for construction, so I ended up not getting very far. Oh well. Today was exhausting and I am getting fat... Not really, but low cal options here are minimal over the summer.
elociN (snafu version of Nicole)

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Hurt Paw/ Etruscan Claw/ Happy Birthday, Ma!

I woke up, had vanilla frozen yogurt for breakfast, and watched sadly as Germany beat England in the world cup. Then I tried to find quarters to do my laundry. I got one from the cafeteria, went up to the vending machines by the fun room, and changed my ones for quarters. I ate my delicious chicken burger for lunch. I was back in the fun room when my bench mentor, Dylan, called me into the lab early. I passaged my stem cells and was back out by 1:15 PM. I then went to BarnesJewish Hospital to get my finger x-rayed. I now am down to a right hand and an injured left paw. I am typing half a word a minute. : P Not really, but it is like only having one finger on my left hand. I have claw usage only. My friend helped me do my laundry. I am like the Etruscans (crab people) from AP art history. I had Qdoba in the big floor lounge with my entire group of 20. Qdoba is super delicious! Then a tornado decided to roll in, so here I am now! I want to give a special birthday shout out to my mom! Happy birthday!

*Please excuse any mistakes, as this took me forever.*

Claw Paw

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Forest Park

Today I rode a bike all around Forest Park. So much fun! Ice cream for breakfast, Sno-cones, sunshine, good meals all day. Lovely people, lovely places. SLAM (St. Louis Art Museum). I could predict so many of the artists. I curated a bit. : ) Today's soccer game was sad. : (
Nic E. Coli

Friday, June 25, 2010

Today in St. Louis

Today I woke up at nine, had vanilla frozen yogurt, and took it upstairs to the FUN room to watch soccer. Then I played a round of pool.
After, I went to my lab at 12:00 PM. My bench mentor had a ton to do today, so he let me run around and do a lot of things on my own. It was so great to feel like I was actually helping him instead of slowing him down. We zipped down to Central West End (a yuppie neighborhood) to the med school. While my mentor was running tests in the flow cytometry center, I obtained him a locker. He was happy. He made me pay him for all of his help in beef jerky. Yay vending machines! Right now I am having some delicious peaches while talking to my friend Ishaq W. Good day!


Thursday, June 24, 2010


Finished my book! Did a full protocol without having to throw anything out and start over. Checked out the library. Lots of good stuff. Napped in the FUN room. Watched 2 soccer games. Good day. Chem tutoring was awesome! Dustin was so cool. Great teacher!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Getting Better

Today, I woke up, exercised in the Athletic Complex, showered, picked up my package, and bought lunch. I met up with Josh. J and his friends in Cafe Bergson, and then I went to the fun room where we had a blast watching the US v. Algeria game and Slovenia vs. England game. I also watched the longest tennis match in history, which streamed into my lab. Lab was awesome. Getting better is awesome. Thank you Dylan M. for being so patient with your new baby duck (me). I know his last baby duck was an "all star" from the get go, but give me time. I'll get there.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Med school Campus: Free Ted Drewes

Lab today was long. I got up, ditched my exercise routine, had breakfast, went to lab early... and my mentor showed up 50 minutes later. I got a lot of my Reluctant Fundamentalist done, and I am up to page 82. Then I worked, including going to the med campus. We got free Ted Drewes frozen custard. Delicious! Long day, some annoying schlepping, etc. Oh well. Turned out for the best. The puzzle looks fantastic. We are about 1/3 done, in my very quick approximation, but it looks great. I will post pics when I am done.
Peace and love,
Little Miss Nic Nac

Monday, June 21, 2010


Today, I started in the BME lab. Lots of lab stuff. I read literature, learned to autoclave, met people from the lab, drenched myself in flammables, and worked by a fire. Apparently, if you catch on fire, the flame is clear, so you don't know that you are on fire until you are already burning. Super!
Anyhow, I am having a great time. Food is getting kind of repetitive since nothing is open over the summer. Puzzle is coming along. So is The Reluctant Fundamentalist, the summer required reading. Loving life. Sorry for the list. More to come. So busy!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Life is good!

Started my book and my candy puzzle. Bought stuff at the grocery store after navigating the metro. Almost got to go swimming. Good weekend.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

South 40 Living

Today was a rough one thus far. First of all, I got up to go to breakfast. I left a 7:45 AM, where it was pouring. I loved the rain but got soaked to my skin. So after visiting the athletic complex and having breakfast, I took the almost 10 minute walk back to my building to change. It started raining again as soon as we left, and we were barely on time to lab. Lab was fun. I had to go back to my building at lunch to get some stuff, barely had time to eat. After the long day in the lab, I had dinner that I wasn't hungry for. I had to read a paper so I went BACK to my building AGAIN. Then, I decided I'd read later and go to the gym... So I walked 15 mins to the gym since the one by my building is closed. After all of that, my pass doesn't work. So I got sent home. : (
I only got a 30 minute brisk walk. Now I have to go to this 7:00 PM meeting, but I am not fit for public exposure.
People here are not quite what I was expecting. I don't feel like talking right now or being around a big group, so I am finally blogging away. I am trying to see the bright side of things. There is so much beauty all around me. It's amazing. But I still am missing something. I just need to think on it, I suppose.


My 27th Post

Today is my 27th post, as you may have noticed if you are a title-reading type of person. It is also the day I am supposed to graduate from high school. But I have my cap and medallions here with me in St. Louis.

Yesterday was so much fun. I love SSBBR so far. The lab, the food, the basketball, the swings, the scenery, the friendly faces, the laughs and nods. It is great. I learned how to use a micropipetter, did gel electrophoresis, and all sorts of stuff. Ligating! I also learned how to plate bacteria.

TBC, and GOOD LUCK, VILLA PARKERS at graduation!

Mademoiselle Nicole

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Safely in STL (Drop the Pressure)

Michael's CD is awesome. The Starstrukk Mix and Drop the Pressure are FontanesiTASTIC! Thank you so much! It kept me energetic, awake, and entertained. Today I woke up at 3:30 AM. I got ready... Couldn't stomach any food... But um, my friends who surprised me at 4:15 AM... You rock! Love you guys!

Safely in St. Louis. So happy. I got drenched in rain when I was unloading my stuff. It was pouring so hard, I was soaked to the skin. The day ended up being great. Showered, got ready for dinner, had dinner, group meeting. Tired. Long day. So much fun! My power heels were pretty fun. Things are looking up. I am trying to drop the pressure in my life... I love the CAMPUS!

I learned about WUPD (whoop-d) and WUFI (WU's Wifi). Haha! So cutesy! Love it!

Someone today said to me that I run on enthusiasm. So that I will do. My alarm is set for 6:00 AM, and that is 4:00 AM Pacific. AHHH! Oh well. Not too bad. It is only 11:00 PM-ish here now and I am pretty tired. 7 hours should do! Everyone is fantastic.

Until tomorrow,

Monday, June 14, 2010

I'm Leaving On A Jet Plane

Today I woke up freakily early, as is now usual. I packed. I got testy. Sorry mom. I am nervous as all get out. Then I walked, went to Target, filled my first prescription, got groomed (yes, I am a dog : P), and went to the dentist. The dentist took two hours, and now I have some random prescription junk I have to use. Not fun. So I went back to Target, got the junk I was prescribed, went to Panera, and realized that I hadn't checked in for my flight yet. It is Southwest, and I want an AISLE seat. That is where I sit on a plane, bus, etc. The aisle. On cheer, my bus buddy Chelsea S. is a window person (thank goodness), and knows that when we have any type of drive, she slides in first. I am hoping to snatch an aisle. Other than having to fill my various prescriptions... good but stressful day.

In 12 hours, I have to wake up to go to the airport. : )

See you in St. Louis (or not, depending on whether or not you will be there too)!


Sunday, June 13, 2010

Bad, Better, Baccalaureate, Basking

Today started out... okay. Dragged on since I last blogged. Leftover Cuban food for lunch, massive argument over clothes. Oh my gosh. I was just playing my piano, minding my business, listening to my sisters and my mom yell and gnash their teeth. Then the whole argument got blamed on my Baccalaureate and then my existence. It cleared up, but the behind-the back-whispering was annoying. Baccalaureate was fun. I had a photo shoot of sorts, but the polyester gown was hot as all get out. Horrible. We sat in the sun and baked to a speech about FAILURE. Very uplifting.

Then I went home, uploaded my pics, went to Alex's party, said goodbye to Elysse, etc.

Good night! Fun. Even if earlier the arguing was painful and awful, it made me realize how important compromise is.

Less Than Two Days

There are less than two days now... Yesterday the pronkers got shorn, I got some clothes, and went out for Cuban food for dinner.

Here are the pictures of Paco and Nacho before and after:

Paco before...

Nacho before...

Due to having to run to my own haircut, Nacho has less pictures after. Love you, boys!

Today is Baccalaureate... and Target runs/packing for St. Louis

Little Nic-Nac

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Speaking of Twos...

My 2 alpacas (Paco and Nacho) are getting shorn today. It should be interesting. I will post before and after pics later (maybe, if I feel like it). I guess all 3 of us are getting our hair cut today!
Also, I think I am going to take a bike ride (my bike has 2 wheels! :P ) I haven't gone on a bike ride in a while and don't want to try it again for the first time in St. Louis. Last summer, I took long bikerides almost daily. Now my mom is a little gun shy about letting me out, and I am never allowed to go alone again (even though I am an adult and technically do not have to listen).

Adventures in Arabesque-land continue! My quest to play Debussy like Peter Schmalfuss is going to take a long time, no doubt. Why are there so many different notes in that song? : P
In 2-3 years when I can finally play both hands of that song, I think I will take on Arabesque No. 2. Unfortunately, I won't have a piano in my room anymore, so it will be harder to just walk out of bed in my PJs and play.

TBC. I love writing so often!

As I write this, my mom is making me a liar. "Nicole, you can take your bike for a mini spin by yourself." WOW! It only took 11.5 months to get the green light.

Your favorite Nilla Wafer

Lots of Twos Today

Today is June 12, and there are two days and 22 hours until I leave for St. Louis, so I changed my blog title to "Meet Me in St. Louis." I thought it was cute.

I am getting my hair cut today and possibly using my Nordstrom gift card, probably on some shorts. I am typically not a shorts person for a variety of reasons. I have noticed that my friend, Tammy S., looks great in shorts of any length (or lack thereof). I feel is if for me, I would rather air on the side of longer shorts. I mean, my scarring is going to show either way, don't get me wrong. I have accepted that. I have fretted over it for far too long. Honestly, I don't think I am as upset about the actual scarring as I am about the accident. I try to wear my mistakes and blunders with pride. I remember the first day of school this year, putting on my cheer skirt for the whole world to see all of the pink and purple mess (it was worse then than it is now). I was a bit of a wreck. Now I feel as if it my scars are a reminder for me to not take anything in life for granted. Last night I looked back on my June 22, 2009 blog and realized my accident was nearly a year ago. I must have still been in a bit of shock during that entry. I called it a "bike [malfuction]," which was so not the case. I try to be brave and smile for the world sometimes... but I sort of wish I had been more honest and real about it.

So now, nearly one year after my bike spill... after questions, comments, gagging noises (thanks for that!), and "are you going to fix that?!?!" I am here to say,

No! I am not going to "Fix That!" I say that for emphasis, because I have come to believe that there isn't anything wrong with my legs. Why would I suffer more pain (and possible skin tightening when my skin there is already too tight over the bone) for it to look marginally better? And I don't like the idea that we as people have to erase all of our flaws. It makes me real. I am over it. Can everyone else please be too? Wish me luck on my hunt for something cute and my new hair!

The Youngest (and Tallest!) Applebaum

Friday, June 11, 2010

Last Day of High School Part Deux

I got to school nice and early after forgetting to eat breakfast... I figured I'd eat a lot in school, but that didn't end up working out so well for me. Before zero period, I picked up my beautiful light blue cap and gown. I got an extra cap to take to St. Louis with me! Thanks, Jostens! Zero I presented/watched my video project, which Michael F. edited with Jennifer P. It was hilarious! Very nicely done. It kind of made fun of me the whole time, but in a sweet and semi-flattering way. I make the worst faces when I am grossed out.
In first and second periods, I signed yearbooks. Third period I danced in Mr. C's class to some house music. Fourth period was presentations and a bit of a love fest, fifth I left to go home. I cleaned out my locker. My stuff in my locker weighed more than I do. I could barely carry it all in two trips. Holy moly! I disliked gravity at that point. I came home to work on my Claude Debussy piano song, Arabesque No. 1, and I learned another hard part. Now just to sneak that left hand in there! : D

Then I went to a yearbook signing party with laughs, cries, dancing, cheering up, reminiscing, and talk of late night infomercials and Club Starz (trashy!).

Then the cheer inductions with my white nondress dress. Frolic fest! :D

Dinner with family minus E started out shakey, ended up fun. And here I am now!

Great day! So many hugs and kisses! Thank you for helping me invent a new medium, APAH!

Apple #3

Last Day of High School

Every day I have been waking up earlier and earlier... I guess my body knows that I am going to be on central time soon. I usually wake up at 6:00 AM. The last few days, 5:50, 5:40, 5:20 AM.
Last night I thought, OH my goodness! What is the last way I want people to remember seeing me? What should I wear? And then I realized I don't care. People know me. Today won't make a difference. If I wear makeup or look super snazzy... People will still remember me how they've remembered me forever. My mom wants to give the outfit her seal of approval.
The last four days, I haven't had much to wear since my stuff is already in St. Louis sitting in an office waiting for me, so I have used the cat dissection as an excuse to wear sweat-type clothes. But today I should probably look nice. I am not jumping in the pool for Senior Dip Day, nor am I wearing a tank top for Austin Sanders tank top day... I just want to exit my school with grace, class, and dignity. I am not going to see anyone for a long time, so I don't think I should wear mascara in case I cry... Though I never cry when I think I will, Murphy's Law is too present in my life to risk looking like a raccoon all day. I haven't gotten everyone to sign my yearbook, nor have I finished all of my unfinished business here. I can't wait to go (IE, I don't plan on looking back). When I was a little kid on the balance beam, my coach would talk about how falling off of the beam was because you wanted to. I maintained that my balance was off, or I was scared, but she believed that it was somewhat intentional. "Look down, fall down," she would say. If I don't look back... I don't think there is as much danger of me going back. Everyone is still pretty sure that I will hate St. Louis weather and be back in California after a few years... We shall see, but weather is not that big of a deterrent for me yet.
Yesterday, due to Senior Parties in school and my Dad's birthday, I had 4 pieces of cake. The scale says I weigh even less than I did last time I weighed myself. I haven't had a hearty appetite in a while. It was pretty awesome. Carrot cake is delicious. I quite enjoy anything with carrots, but in a CAKE!?!? FANTASTIC!

I will share how today goes later on. I have the Varsity Induction tonight for cheer... Although I am being "outducted." SO weird that my cheer days are over...

Peace and TBC,

Pomme Numéro Trois (Apple # 3)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

2nd to last day of school...

Zero: I dissected the last of my cat. It looks sort of like my cat and the smell makes me sick. I mean, it is really strong. I am not typically a fainter, but I lost all my coloring and almost... lost it.
First: I shared my potential future life with my classmates. They said it sounded boring and depressing.
Second: Party with cake/ helping in the library/ helping Robbie with his project.
Third: Yearbook signing.
Fourth: We had a gallery tour of our final projects. My graphing enlargement project is a replica of Frederic Lord Leighton's "Flaming June."

My second piece was a replica of a modular nine panel painting by Roy Lichtenstein. My video presentation on him went very well too!

Fifth: Yearbook signing
Sixth: Home
Good day!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Soul Piece

"Soul Piece" by me. Acrylic on Canvas. Not for sale : )

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Mi Amore

I have found my love! Mi Amore. I have been waiting a long time for this to come! My art pieces are coming together. Mosaics=done. BEAUTEOUS! Such relief. I presented my senior project mosaics today. Kind of anticlimactic, but seriously, the amount of stress in my life is half of what it was just two or three days ago.

My AP art history Lichtenstein tribute is mearly complete. Also beauteous. For AP Lit, I painted my soul. It came out so well! I am very excited. And I painted my soul so easily and quickly. My soul, I guess, sort of fell out of my hand and onto the canvas. I would like to dedicate the piece to the person that inspired it, and no, I don't mean myself. I love you, inspiration. You— and your art— that is my love. I have looked at your painting every day for a while now, and it makes be struggle through the frustration and finish my own art. I don't believe art should have a due date. But it does for me in high school. It is a reality of life. I am so thankful to have such a cool original painting right in my house. So my love, your love for art (but unfortunately not your talent) has shaped mine. Thank you! I wish I could have said it to your face. You are in my painting and always in my heart! I am going to cry!

I would like to dedicate "Soul Piece," done in my favorite colors, to mi amore. I wish to be as talented as you some day. I wish I could show you this piece right now and get a big hug!

Good night. No one reads this but you... maybe! ; )

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Spelling at 2:00 AM

So apparently I can't spell "existent" correctly when I am off-the-charts tired... : ) More to come later on...


I wonder sometimes why I kill myself to do so much... especially when it comes to school projects. I am adhering my tiles, but I needed a back break. Hence my being here. Here is how I got to this point today... Or yesterday, as the case may be. It is now Sunday.

So here is the rundown on my Saturday... I woke up at 6:00 AM with no alarm... gotta love that! Ate breakfast, walked several miles in the hills with my mom, danced, sang, played piano, worked a bit, played a bit, you know. It was fun. I talked to some friends, etc. I knew all VP kids would be busy tonight... So I worked on my mosaic, showered and got ready to go to the DSC, and worked the Grossology member's event with my mom. Very fun. Apparently we are creepy. Same everything... except I have my dad's pale genes. : ) Then we went to dinner at CPK and ordered the same entree and drink. Creepy, we are. I went to Barnes and Noble around nine PM. Got Wuthering Heights to read this summer. My AP Language and Comp teacher from last year, the awesome Mrs. Hall, highly recommended it. So there it is, right smack on my reading list for this summer! I got home and started back on my mosaic. While grueling, the labor made me think... why do I kill myself being such an overachiever for these crazy projects? Why am I still stressed in June of senior year?

Then I wondered about the old expression, "publish or perish." I.E. Don't be a lazy bum; produce something that proves you are really working. I think I had an epiphany, but I am too tired to tell. I kill myself so that I don't die... Complacency, I think, may be the closest living experience I have to death... Being smug and satisfied with mediocrity has never worked for me... It just doesn't fly. While I am ashamed of being up so late, it is not because I intentionally procrastinated. It is because I need sleep and this is taking way longer than I expected. Plus the fumes are not so pleasant.

Lately, I have been digitally socializing with Wash U incomers and insiders, and it has been really neat. I feel really optimistic. The requests for me to comment on how I feel about others has lulled a bit, thank goodness. I love showering people in love during a lovefest, do not get me wrong... But I feel as if finding beauty in someone leads to finding more and more beauty until all that I have discover is beauty... When that is not necessarily reality. I am trying to strike a balance. I want to achieve inner beauty by finding beauty in everyone and everything. I think I have gotten pretty close, but my inability to be complacent leads my search to some pretty ridiculous conclusions, which I quickly dismiss. However, I think I might be onto something with this whole complacency business. I try to be smug on as few occasions as possible... I believe that no one has enough friends to alienate or lose any. But to be smug, even just for or to myself, is just... Not me. I am always going to keep my ambitiousness. It is the core of who I am. Complacency and not trying my absolute best are not in my vocabulary. I like to ask people, "If you are not your best you, what you are you?" It sounds lame and confusing, but it helps me stay motivated... Like right now, when it is 2:00 AM and I can't decide if I should go to sleep and rest so I can hit the ground running tomorrow, or if I should power through this... When I compare it to a test, and think about all of the stuff I need to do tomorrow, I think I should sleep. It is not worth it to be dead tomorrow when there is still so much more (beside my mosaic) that needs to be done...

My plate is never empty. No room for complacency anyhow. Rest is fine though. Off I go! : )

Peace! Until tomorrow, nonexistant readers!

Love, Apple #3

Friday, June 4, 2010

Candy Day!

Today I woke up at 6:00 AM as always. I got ready lightning fast... Last assembly today. My 20th assembly, the Blowout... Bye Bye seniors! I was so touched by all of the kindness! The courts got announced, so I got to wear my tiara. I feel special with it on. Not that I am a spoiled princess or anything. Then I performed a GAGAlicious routine with a lightning bolt on my face, because I am a SENIOR and SENIORS on varsity cheer got lightning bolts on their faces. I wore mine all day. Then I volunteered at a carnival at a lollipop tree! So fun! Lovefests rock!

TBC and peace out!
Love, Nicole

Thursday, June 3, 2010

A Touching Day...

This morning, I put on a blue dress that makes me feel genuinely girlie. I knew I was going to a luncheon to receive a scholarship and that I wouldn't have time to change beforehand. School was pretty grand. In zero period, I answered a lot of review questions so that I could score my Writing Group some candy for our final session. I got plenty. Unfornately, my Gobstoppers exploded at one of my group members (sorry, Brooklen) and my teacher, who would probably normally get mad, cracked up over the whole thing. Our pieces to each other were touching, and Betty's envelopes she made for us were gorgeous. I was genuinely touched by all of the kind words.
After that (but still in first period), the senior edition of the Oracle (my high school's magazine) came out. It was just wonderful. The Spartan of the Year article kind of broke me down a bit... So sweet and just... I don't think I have ever received as much kindness in my life as I have in the past month. What a way to end my time here in Villa Park.
Third period my presentation went well... The luncheon was great. Great food, great dessert (yes, that is separate), and great company. I got to say goodbye to my mom's mah jongg friends, and I won a flower basket centerpiece in the raffle. What a day! So much love everywhere. I finally got the guts to put up the post to tell people how I feel. I love the lovefest, so now I am joining it!

Peace, and TBC
Love, Nicole

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

New Direction... Literally and Figuratively

I am leaving for St. Louis in 12 days. So soon! As I embrace this new move, I find that I am more able to appreciate and enjoy my last few days in Villa Park. I am slightly relaxed, if anyone can believe that. My blogging has been more than sporadic, so I changed my color scheme to reflect my love of Wash U, and I am focusing my efforts two things:

1) The close of my time here in Villa Park
2) My clean slate at Wash U

I am so thrilled to be able to research as an incoming freshman. What an opportunity! The other day I sent 3 boxes of things off... Now I have a barren wardrobe, so I am wearing old T-shirts. I don't mind though. They are comfortable, and I am painting and cutting tiles all the time. So many art projects as of the current! I could never be an artist. I lack the talent and I find it really frustrating. It is hard to undo a mistake. In math, I can erase or grab a new paper and retry a problem. In art, I am not always so fortunate. I am really enthusiastic about going to Wash U. The people seem so genuine and nice. I am not nervous. I am ready for my big break from my parents. This seven week trial run will be an awesome way to adjust to my new life. The weather is supposedly killer in St. Louis. In my life, I have done a lot of things that are considered to be "killer," and so far I am still here. Knock on wood. I think with good company and mentally challenging tasks at hand, the weather will be less of a burden than anticipated. Hopefully...

Anyway, it is getting late and I have the hives. Go bears! It's weird not to say spartans.